A Memory


St. Paul’s, London, UK: Journal entry for March, 1993

This assignment was hard. How do you photograph something that has already happened? Isn’t a photograph immediately a memory? In which case a photograph of any old thing should count, right? What is a memory anyway? It’s a picture in your head, yes? So how do you recreate that picture in order to take a picture of it? AAAARGH. Damn you, Samantha!

“as far as [a] consciousness can be extended backwards to any past action or thought, so far reaches the identity of that person; it is the same self now as it was then; and it is by the same self with this present one that now reflects on it, that that action was done”


One thought on “A Memory

  1. Again, another image I adore. And nice use of shallow depth of field.

    I was thinking about the Cartier-Bresson quote*: In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. The little human detail can become a Leitmotiv.”

    For me, photographs are Leitmotivs**. Photographs create a sense of attachment and emotion to a moment which often reinforce a reality which didn’t exist at the time.

    *I didn’t remember the quote verbatim; I looked it up.
    **Ack. Is “leitmotivs” the correct plural of “leitmotiv”? And, for that matter, “v” or “f”?

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